

Spiritual money management and acquisition. Invest in manifestation and materialization resulting in physical assets in monetary form.

Seer, Soothsayer, healer, catalyst and activator of spiritual gifts and advantages.

From a distance I am able to generate changes in your location and physical reality. I offer transformative solutions and various services leading to immediate custom outcomes in your favor.

Alter your fate.
Fate is not predestined, transform your fate by manifesting life changes, altering uneventful external circumstances into well suited sequences of events that lead to your chosen destiny.

Destined means you’re well suited for your purpose. Destiny is your truth, what you’re most closely designed for; the outcome of external factors and experiences that lead you to the alignment with your truth is your life path. If you feel unaligned with your purpose it is often due to lack of resources and elements in life that could give you the advantage you need.

I can adjust your reality to live out your dreams NOW with manifesting the blue, making it possible to respond to opportunities and set forth your goals into practice.

One can always decide to be destined for something else, and choose not to adhere to the old concept or fate: “no matter what one does you can’t change fate,” we can, and we do. The universe is not keeping tabs, it is not keeping you from action and creation; we have autonomy for this reason.

Life is of the living and not to be outlined by in the stars, or decided by Universal Laws. One must not suffer because it is their “fate” – fate is our end game, meaning we have and are creating our destiny and fulfilling our purpose as per our autonomous will.

Be in control if your design, blueprint, lifestyle and prospects with codes and principles I prepare and set in motion. So you don’t have to.

Invest in the cutting edge biocoding technology emerging today, manifest the surplus of currency life calls on to make important changes, and combine the two for lucrative and high quality living and business practices.

Visit the about me tab to learn more, custom work to view services, and get in touch directly message me via Instagram available on the contact page.