about me

My methods and Journey

I am a modern thinker applying inherited psychic traits and techniques to combat the problems we face today. What I can do outside the realm of normal human senses, influence, and presence is impact human external reality; our quality of life, our surroundings, conditions, and environment in ways that make life better.

I was born into my abilities and grew into them, dedicated myself to them into adulthood. My spiritual awakening and scope of gifts was my coming of age.

I was guided by my grandmother who was a local seer & healer from age 4 onward. I had all the power and abilities by means of my grandmothers teachings and applications by age 7. I was able to affect experiences by focusing and willing physical change.

Because of my experiences I fear nothing and apply myself constantly, I have the abilities I need to maneuver through lives and improve them. I can exercise control over anything that does not attempt to change human will, with client consent I manipulate the outcomes of any situation into results safely, and effectively, delivering your desired outcome.

My work centers around human lifestyles and circumstances they face, aiming to make life more attainable and less difficult.

To sum up my description; I perform miracles, healing, offer wisdom and create manifestations and results by delivery of codes.

My journey: the short version

My experience becoming this person I am today was painful, biblical, evil and riddled with stigmata and other variations of suffering. Born with the basic abilities and built into a powerhouse by survival.

what I do today

I specialize in creating ideas into reality, hire me if you want to alter your circumstances and manifest a different reality from your current human experience.

I can create an alternate path that suits your will. This redirect into a different path comes comfortably in the form of opportunities, money, security, recognition, and success. If you are pursuing a different purpose or life goal, working on a change to your situation, wanting improvement of external factors.

I work everything into your path, create a thriving environment, an abundance of resources, and bring in money and other tools into your everyday life.

Visit custom work for your options, and connect with me directly via DM on Instagram, details over on the contact page.